Portable Fire Extinguisher Types and Use

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Before you ever use a portable fire extinguisher, you better know the extinguisher to use for each fire class:

  • ( A ) for fires involving combustibles like wood or paper
  • ( B ) for flammable liquids and gases
  • ( C ) for fires where electricity may be present
  • ( D ) for combustible metals like magnesium

Fire extinguishers are labeled for use on either a single class of fire (A) or (D), or for multiple classes fires (BC), or (ABC). Only trained employees should use fire extinguishers.

Use the PASS method when using a fire extinguisher:

  • P Pull the pin
  • A Aim hose at the base of the fire
  • S Squeeze the trigger
  • S Sweep back and forth with the extinguisher

 Remember these firefighting tips:

  • Most fire extinguishers are emptied in less than a minute.
  • Do not attempt to fight a large fire.
  • Always leave yourself a way out--keep your back to an exit.

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