Eye Injuries - Part 2

Every day an estimated 1,000 eye injuries occur in American workplaces. Yesterday we learned that most occur from fast moving flying particles.
The BLS reported that more than 50% of workers injured while wearing eye protection thought the eyewear had minimized their injuries. But nearly half the workers also felt that another type of protection could have better prevented or reduced the injuries they suffered. It is estimated that 90% of eye injuries can be prevented through the use of proper protective eyewear. There are several types of eye protection and it’s important you wear the right protection for the task.
Safety Glasses
We wear safety glasses anytime we’re in the production area. Safety glasses with side shields are a good form of eye protection for general use to prevent flying debris and or objects from coming into contact with your eyes.
Safety Goggles
When we’re using compressed air or handling harmful chemicals we need to wear safety goggles. Goggles offer superior protection from small flying debris and particles as well as chemical splashes.
Face Shields
When grinding, changing propane or changing batteries we need to wear a face shield along with our safety glasses or goggles. This gives additional protection to our face during these types of tasks.
Welding Helmets
When welding you have the risk of harmful rays impacting your eyes from a short distance. That is why we have special tinted welding helmets. It not only protects your face from flying objects, but your eyes from the rays.