Man Crushed Between Truck and Dumpster

Cincinnati Enquirer November 11, 2008
Rodney Brown, 52, a sanitation worker from Deerfield Township, was apparently crushed to death Wednesday while delivering an empty dumpster to the Double Gate condominium complex on Logsby Place, Milford police said.
Brown, a worker for CSI Waste Service since January, was found pinned between the truck and the dumpster, Milford Police Chief Mark Machan said. A resident found Brown about 11:15 a.m., but Machan said the accident had probably occurred two hours earlier.
The truck might have slipped out of gear, but tests will take a couple of days, Machan said. Brown had removed the dumpster from the back of the vehicle and had evidently entered between the back of the truck and the placed dumpster.
Investigators from OSHA also are looking into the incident. CSI's general manager Greg Beamer said he couldn't comment on the investigation, but called Brown's death a "terrible tragedy" for Brown's family and co-workers."
This tragic incident highlights why it is important whenever you leave a vehicle, including forklifts and other forms of powered industrial trucks, it is important to turn it off, set the parking brake and take the key with you.